Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What a laugh

I had such a great laugh last night and it felt so good. I made Beef Stew for dinner and after I put left overs up I let both dogs take turns eating the stuck potatoes and gravy out of the crock pot !!!! BUT wait I don't normally do this so my dogs went CRAZY !!!!! I wanted both dogs head in the bowl at the same time but that did not work out and so Mitzy let Cowboy take it first then as I dragged the Beagle away I let Mitzy take a turn. As you can see in the picture my beagle (Cowboy) was so sad and did not know why he had to hand over the bowl to sister. They both had it all over their noses and ears and I just laughed watching them clean themselves up.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Terrific Tuesday !!!!

WOW !!!! My son has done it again. A honor roll kid !!!!!! I am so proud of him he has made straight A's since first grade and in Kidergarten they rate them in percentage and he had 97% average at the end of the year. The thing is he loves school and everything comes so easy for him and he does not even have to try and learn he is a little sponge and can remember everything and does math in his head!!!! He does have a down side he writes so fast that his handwritting is soooooooo bad. Now his cursive is great but his handwritting hmmmm it needs some working !!!!! He is so ready for the 5th grade and counting down the days till school is out. I wish I was like that. I did well in school but had to work hard at it and so it made me not want to go to school because I dreaded school work. Also when I went to school my parents sent me to private school an hour away so I never had any friends that lived close by. But I liked my school and it gave me one on one time with my dad since he took me to school. His work was in Arlington and we lived in Grand Prairie at the time.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Madness Monday

This was such a long day. I got my son off to school today and started running errands and I got a call from my GI office asking if I could come in this morning instead of my appointment Tuesday and I asked if there would be a long wait or if I could just get in and out because I have another DR appointment an hour away that I need to get to as well. They said when could I come and I said give me 20 min (that is how long it would take for me to get to the office) I got there and they said thanks for coming today the DR had something come up that he needed to move patients around so I said that is fine. Well get this I WAITED and hour and a half to get pulled back there and then I waited another 45 min. In the time waiting I called the other office to let them know I needed to come when my son gets out of school and told them what all was happening and they understood. Also as I sat in the waiting room I read a sign that said if you come 20 minutes late to your appointment you would need to reschedule for another day!!!!! I should of told them my office visit should be free since they ate up my whole morning and lied and said I would be in and out of there. What is also so bad is the Dr sees you in and out for maybe 5 minutes if not less. I know I need these appointments and they keep an eye on my Crohns but man I hate the wait I have in his office. Anyhow I have to go back in next Tuesday and do another EGD. I know this sounds weird but I hate them more than the Colonoscopys!!!! The prep work is a heck of a lot easier but the pain afterwards hurts more ( my throat feels like it is on fire) !!!! Anyways I got out of there and came home and layed down for 2 hours then got up and went to get my son from school and headed to DR appointment 2 for the day. Now this Dr he is great and I get my money out of him I am in the waiting room no longer then 5 min and scene shortley after and he will sit and talk to you about my symptoms, my test, blood work and also ask what all is going on with the GI Dr and he is soooo GREAT. I was there just 2 weeks ago with tons of blood work and so I did not have to do anymore today and I told him about the EDG for next Tuesday and he said come back in 30 days inless I needed to come back sooner. I felt bad for my son because here it is after scool and he got dragged an hour away then by time we got home I needed to finish my errands I had not made it to Wal-Mart and we were out of some things we so needed!!!! Napkins, toilet paper and paper towels !!!! I went to the store yesterdays and forgot all about them !!! Anyways we are home now and he is fed and happy and I am going to bed early tonight!!!!!

Friday, February 22, 2008


I am such a clean freak and could not do it alone without my Kiby doing all the vacuuming !!!! What vacuum does everyone out there own and does it do a great job you want it to do?

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thankful Thursday

As Everyday and every moment of the day I am SO THANKFUL for being a mother and to have such a wonderful son who is growing up to be a GREAT little man.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Whatever Wednesday

I love this video !!! I wanted my son to do this for the talent show but he is to much like me and gets tongue tied when we talk to fast !!!!! I hope you enjoy.

Weekdays !!!!!

I have an idea now for my blog !!!! I would like to hear from your out puts as well and try and get this going!!!

Mondays will be posted about madness Mondays

Tuesdays- Terrific Tuesdays

Wednesday - Whatever Wednesday

Thursday- Thankful Thursdays

Fridays- Favorite things Friday

I would like anyone reading to leave a comment and share there Madness Mon.,terrific Tues., Whatever Wed.,and so on you ought to get the drift!!!!!!!